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My Morning Daily Prayers

A Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Lord, make me an instrument of
Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow
Where there is injury, pardon,
Where there is doubt, faith,
Where there is despair, hope,
Where there is darkness, light,
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may
not so much seek to be consoled,
as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we
receive –
It is in pardoning that we are
And it is in dying that we are
born to eternal life.
O, Holy Spirit, beloved of
my soul,… I adore You.

Enlighten me, guide me,
strengthen me, console me.

Tell what I should do…
give me Your orders.

I promise to submit myself
to all that You desire of me
and to accept all that You
permit to happen to me.

Let me only know Your

My Daily Prayer

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Dear God, as I begin this day
Let me turn my thoughts to you,
And ask your help in guiding me
In everything I say and do.

Give me the patience that I need
To keep my peace of mind,
And with life’s cares, I hope, Dear God,
Some happiness to find.

Let me live but for today,
Not worrying what’s ahead,
For I have trust that you will see
I get my “Daily Bread.”

Give me the courage to face life’s trials
And not from troubles run,
Let me keep this thought in mind,
“Thy will,” not “Mine,” be done.

And if some wish I do not get
Though I have prayed to Thee,
Help me to believe and understand
You know what’s best for me.

I’ve failed you many times, I know,
But when tonight I rest,
I hope that I can kneel and say,
“Dear God, I’ve tried my best.”
Glory be to the Father,
Who by His almighty power
and love created me, making
me in the image and likeness
of God.

Glory be the Son,
Who by His Precious Blood
delivered me from hell, and
opened for me the gate of

Glory be to the Holy Spirit,
Who has sanctified me in the
sacrament of Baptism, and
continues to sanctify me by
the grace I receive daily from
His bounty.

Glory be to the three adorable
Persons of the Holy Trinity,
now and forever. Amen.

My Daily Devotions

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My Monthly Devotions

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My Favorite Scripture Excerpts For Daily Meditation

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This site was last updated 02/11/07